Monday, March 20

The Day Freedom Died: By Rochwen

Watch them burn your freedom.
Watch them choke your voice.

You see the fires burning,
Sparks reaching to the sky.
Hold that sight forever,
Today freedom will die.

You watch the smoking gasses,
Choking the clear air.
Speak now, my friend,
Of all that is just and fair.

For today they burn your freedom,
Today they choke your voice.

They do not have mercy,
They will never care.
They only want broken voices,
And to see your vacant stare.

Now you will always remember:

How you watched them burn your freedom,
How you let them choke your voice.
I even heard you give a mightly cheer;
Do not say you had no choice.

* * *
Ohio, Kent State University
May 4, 1970
The day freedom, right to assemble and free speech died.
I will never let freedom die again.


At Monday, March 20, 2006 8:38:00 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...


soosoosososososooooo TRUE!

At Monday, March 20, 2006 10:03:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

Awesome! I love it!! It's like we were talking about how people never get up and do something instead of just complaining, these days! Awesome!


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