Friday, March 24

goodness knows what I am writing about... I don't really feel like I have anything to say... well, that is not entirely true. I have plenty of things to say, like:


ah, that is so beautiful. lol

I really should be working on my essay about "campus unrest" which is due to P by Monday. It is so annoying when i put these things off. Last time I put my essay off I practically killed myself getting it to her, and it was still late because I got it to her at 12:40am. But did I learn my lesson? ... noooo.... so here I am, typing away on a post which is pretty much pointless... except for the part where I said "FUCK YOU, BUSH!!!". And, in case you were wondering who I was talking about, I was talking about my next door neighbors, wives, boyfriends, sister's daughter's friends brother.... he he he.

here is a good story. it is actually a true story, lol.

A: where did you get that music?

Me: from my boyfriend

A: oooh, riiiiight.

Me: seriously! he illegaly downloaded it off the internet, burned it onto a CD and gave it to me!

A: mmhm, and what boyfriend would that be?

Me: (mysteriously) the one you don't know about.


Me: in case you were wondering... I am getting a hummer for my birthday.

A: really

Me: yup!

A: and might I ask who is giving it to you?

Me: my boyfriend... you know, the one who downloads music illegaly off the internet and burns them onto CDs for me.

A: and where is he going to get it?

Me: he is going to illegaly download it off the internet!

A: (rolls his eyes, exhasperated) I would like to see that.

lol, it was deffinently funnier when it happened....

and no, I do not have a boyfriend, in case you were wondering.



At Friday, March 24, 2006 8:00:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

lol, nice post

At Friday, March 24, 2006 9:28:00 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

HA HA HA HA! nice


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