Tuesday, April 4

I'm Free!!!!!!!!!!

I killed my xanga.



starting today, I am going on a computer-free diet for the next two weeks.

the only exceptions are for school and to check my e-mails (for school purposes) every once in a while... maybe... so don't send me anything important.

maybe I should kill my blog too....

stab it in the throat with a ballpoint pen....


Sunday, April 2

I. I never, ever wish to be stabbed in the throat with a ballpoint pen.

II. I never, ever wish to have occasion to stab someone else in the throat with a ballpoint pen.

a. I especially never wish to have occasion to stab a hot guy in the throat with a ballpoint pen*.

*although, in a situation which might cause me to stab a guy in the throat he would probably not be so hot, despite looks which might point to such a thing.

Red Eye is any awesome movie!