Friday, June 24

"You and Me" Lifehouse

what day is it? and in what month?
this clock never seemed so alive,
i can't keep up and i can't back down,
i've been losing so much time.
'cause it's you and me and all of the peoplewith nothing to do,
nothing to lose.
and it's you and me and all of the people
and i don't know why, i can't keep my eyes off of you.
and all of the things that i want to say just aren't coming out right
i'm tripping on words.
you've got my head spinning,
i don't know where to go from here.
'cause it's you and me and all of the people, with nothing to do,
nothing to prove.
and there's you and me and all of the people
and i don't know why, i can't keep my eyes off of you.
there's something about you now
i can't quite figure out.
everything she does is beautiful.
everythign she does is right.
'cause it's you and me and all of the people, with nothing to do,
nothing to lose.
and it's you and me and all of the people
and i don't know why, i can't keep my eyes off of you
and me and all of the people, with nothing to do,
nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people
and i don't know why, i can't keep my eyes off of you
what day is it? and what month?
this clock never seemed so alive.

Thursday, June 23

All I Want

A hand to hold,
when times got rough.
A voice to hear,
when all was silent.
That was all I wanted.
Someone to laugh with,
when nothing was funny.
Someone to cry with,
when everything went wrong.
That was all I wanted.
A shoulder to lean on,
when all strength was gone.
A person to trust,
when everyone betrayed me.
That was all I wanted.
Someone who would be there,
whenever someone was needed.
Someone to have fun with,
when no one wanted to play.
That was all I wanted.
A heart to give love,
when I was abandoned.
An arm to protect me,
when the world closed in.
That was all I wanted.
But most of all,
What I really want is...
Someone I can love forever,
from the very depths of my heart.
Someone who would love me back,
just for who I am.
That is all I want.
Are you there?

Tuesday, June 21

Long Live the Princess!

you guys!!!!!!... um... girls, sorry. anyhow, OMG!!!!!!!!!! i read Princess Diaries VI!!!!!!!! Princess in Training!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!! i almost read it all on saturday night, but i would have been up till 5am so i FORCED myself to go to sleep at 2. the next day though... i finished it without ever stopping... except to get sunscreen because i was burning my sadly white legs. oh well, it's worth having white legs to be able to ride horses!!! but READ PRINCESS DIARIES!!!!!!!! YOU WILL LOVE IT AND NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!! THIS ONE IS EVERY BIT AS GOOD AS THE OTHER ONES!!!!!!!!!!! AND MEG CABOT, YOU BETTER WRITE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!
ROCK ON MIA!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!! (but i would never even think of stealing you from Mia because you are her soul-mate) SOMETIMES I WANT TO WRING YOUR NECK LILLY, BUT I STILL LOVE YOU... AND I ALWAYS WANT TO WRING YOUR NECK LANA!... i'm sorry but you're a bitch.

The Adventures of Haras the Coyote Girl

setting: it is the day after Haras met Paul and she cannot stop thinking about him, although for quite different reasons then his are for thinking of her. she is sitting in an open glade, filled with pure white trillians, leaning against the one tree in the clearing : an expansive, gnarled old oak. with her sister coyote . they are speaking, but not in a way that can be heard by ears. only an uncluttered mind can hear these words.

coyote sister (silverleaf): you are very silent today my sister. yet i sense that your thoughts are troubled and your body restless.

as is common with a conversation between coyotes there was a long silence as both human girl and coyote sister watched the tripple petaled flowers bob and sway in the light breeze and listened to a distant sparrow singing happily for all to hear. Finally when Haras had formed her feelings into thoughts she spoke.

haras: yes, you are right, silverleaf. yesterday i met a human boy by The Stream Which Hums. he worried me. he seemed so ignorant. yet in a dangerous way. he seemed oblivious to so many things. it worries me to think that perhaps all humans are this way.

silverleaf did not pause quite as long as haras had before answering. coyotes, unlike humans do not tend to hold on to useless thoughts which clutter their minds.

silverleaf: not all humans are so careless, but those that do care are few, and those whom actually do anything are even less. it is because many humans think only of themselves. they will think "ah, wer are killing the rainforests. how terrible. i hope i am dead before it is all gone." then they forget or push from their minds any thoughts of doing something about it. still, you have not told me all that worries you, my sister

Haras: yes, there is something else which i do not understand. although i did not particularly like that boy i still felt drawn to him. there was something deep inside of me which seemed to awaken. it felt almost like longing...

silverleaf's eyes seemed to twinkle at this last statement.

silverleaf: ah, little sister. you have finally felt The Call. The Call of Life. The Call which keep every species alive, which causes eggs to be lain and pups to be born every year.

haras: but i do not wish to contribute to the human population!

silverleaf: then you must ignore The Call. it will not be easy but if that is what you want and what you think is right you will succeed.

and haras did learn to ignore The Call although it was no easy task. fortunately the coyotes had taught her to be strong-willed and strong of opinion.

Friday, June 17

Thinking Of You Var

i love you,
i hate you.
every day,
i watch the clock,
waiting for you.
you give me life,
you take it away.
every night,
i lie awake,
waiting for you.
you say you care,
you never call,
if you think of me,
why don't you call?
i watch my life fly by,
waiting for you.
i will wait,
i will not wait.
i have all my life,
why am i wasting it?
waiting for you.
you brought me hope,
now you bring despair.
i felt love,
now only desertion.
waiting for you.
i will never love you,
i will never hate you.
you are a chapter of my book,
once it is read, you move on to the next.
waiting for you, no more.
it was real,
now it is a dream.
it was the present,
now it is the past.

Thursday, June 16

Pool people are sexist! and don't even begin to think they aren't or I will scream fuck at the top of my lungs until I lose my voice!!!!

So. Here is what inspired me to write that crude title: POOL PEOPLE ARE SEXIST!!! What pool people? you may ask. NOT the ones who play the game pool with all the little balls on a table, pool people, like the people that make swimming pools, the people that design and make filters and brominators and chlorinators and all the little hoses that connect them all. THEY ARE FRICKING SEXIST!!! For the last several days I have been trying to open my pool because my dad isn't here to do it and it has been really hot. Well, I needed new hoses for the filter because the old ones had holes in them. My first problem was that I could not get the old hoses off, no matter what I did they would not come off, I eventually had to cut on of them so I could take it with me to the store. When I finally got the hoses back home I could not get the hoses on!!! and they are deffinently the right size. I also know, from experience that the brominator lid and the filter lid are virtually impossible for me to open.
Therefore; POOL PEOPLE ARE SEXIST!!! They are manufacturing and selling a product that only men and the few extroardinarily strong women can open. This is a free country where all people are supposed to be equal!!! Yet products are stilling being manufactured that only men can use or operate! This is causing women to be more dependant on men! Causing women to be inferior to men! And some women ignore it, deny it's existence because it is easier if they pretend it is not happening. It infuriates me, it makes me want to smash the faces of every boy in my brothers sexist boyscout troop. The boyscout troop with their "girlscout water". AAARGH!!!! It makes me want to go outside and scream "FUCK!" at the top of my lungs until I can't scream any more!
Some people will claim that if you don't make filters and other pool things so they are almost impossible to open then they will leak. Oh...My...Gosh!!! We have computers... we have cell phones.... we have mp3 players... we have DVDs... and they think we couldn't make pool filters so that any adult, man or woman could easily open their filter to clean it? They could!!! They are just lazy!! and other people are too lazy to recognise that they are being discriminated against to actually do anything about it!!
What do you think would have happened if all the African Americans had just sat back and let us fricking discriminatory white people tell them they were inferior just because their skin was darker? What if they had just sat back and pretended like it wasn't happening? What if they had just pretended like since it had always been that way it should continue being that way? Well... then there would still be drinking fountains and bathrooms labeled "colored" and "white". Fortunately there were brave people like Martin Luther King Jr. who were willing to recognise something was wrong and do something about it! But now, us women are still suffering from the discrimination of sexist men and we are putting up with it!
and since I'm all worked up now...

Monday, June 6

a strange balance

well... i have not been on for a long time... like.... TWO WHOLE DAYS!!! ok, so that's not THAT long... but it seems like it. so.... i'm leaving for camp on wednesday! i'm excited 'cause i'm going with Gray Bean and Greenie, but i'm also sad because Yellow Ducky and Froggie and Carrots are staying here! so i won't be blogging for a while. besides it is summer and i go to the barn from 9-3 every day. and.... it is so beautiful and warm out that it seems like such a waste to sit in here on the computer when the sun is shining!

you know what i realized? whenever i type "such" if i'm not paying attention it comes out as "suck" and then i have to backspace. isn't that wierd? i'm sure there is not reason for that.... really....