Saturday, July 16

my bad day... yesterday...

this is why i wrote that whole little dedication to Avalon. i was really mad at some select people who really pissed me off. Peggy was having this party at her barn for the Humane Society, so we had to have everything PERFECT for them. of course it just HAD to pour down rain all morning into the afternoon. so we washed horses in the pouring rain. it was actually kind of fun. the pastures got flooded so we went out in our bare feet and splashed and slid! it was AWESOME!!!!!!!

we had the barns sparkling clean by 4 o'clock so we ate dinner. at 5pm we were supposed to do the final cleanup, pick out stalls, fill water buckets and give the horses dinner. so i went into the little barn and started picking out stalls and a certain some one is puting her MASCARA on. i figured when she was done she would help me... but she didn't. instead she went over to the other barn and rounded up 2 other people and they carried 3 EMPTY pizza boxes up the hill.

when they came down they went up and sat in the hay loft!! so i picked out stall after stall and filled bucket after bucket while they talked and laughed... i got angrier and angrier. by the time i had finished four stalls i was fuming and shaking. unfortunately i'm like my dad and don't yell at people i just do things. so i didn't yell at them. i mean... if you saw that there was work to do and the person that was doing it could use some help wouldn't you just help them??? i would... so i picked out all seven stalls and filled all the water buckets. then i went around and fed all ten horses. then i went and swept the little barn.

all this took me a grand total of thirty minutes. if they had helped it probably would have taken five-ten minutes.

of course then they came down and helped me sweep the big barn... just in time for Peggy to come down and say "oh you guys, everything looks so good. you did such a wonderful job"

i was so pissed. i think if any of them had spoken to me i would have totally blown but fortunately for them they didn't say anything to me. i couldn't stay there because i was sooooo pissed off. i was shaking and breathing hard. so i went over to the little barn where there were NO people. i went into Avalon's stall and climbed onto his back. i just lay there and told him about it all and how i would love you smack them all but that i just don't do that sort of thing.

by then people from the Humane Society were coming down to look at the horses so i slid off his back. i was still pretty mad so i got some brushes and started brushing him, even though we had given him a bath and he was spotless. by the time i actually had to have contact with and of "them" it had been and hour and a half and thanks to Avalon i had cooled off enough to be civil to people.

you don't even want to hear about today.....


At Sunday, July 17, 2005 3:51:00 PM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

omg, that sounds SO ANNOYING! And there's no real way to get the better of something like that, you know? No matter what, you just kind of look like a control freak or something if you say anything. But you know, even if peggy didn't see this going on, i think she knows how hard you work and how really truly dedicated you are (unlike some people)...(who i'm pretty sure i know. ugh. that's so annoying!

chica bonita

At Sunday, July 17, 2005 4:19:00 PM, Blogger Ruthie said...

God, you must have A LOT of self control, cause I would have just walked right up to them and punched their lights out. tons of people have done that to me and I got SOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off. I know how you feel. But next time that happens, just think, "they won't be doing that when i drive into the gas station and they're there pumping my gasoline 7 years from now." It also helps if you say it to their face... the expression is a classic.

At Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:24:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

grr!!! i wanted to wring their necks!! *sigh* but i've forgiven them now... today was a good day, it was... restful... even though we had to have horses harnessed we didn't have to do much else. it was nice.

ruthie! thanks for coming to my site! he he he, pumping my gasoline... that will be the day... they're pretty good friends most of the time though...

jeune fille de chevals

At Sunday, July 17, 2005 9:59:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

well, at least you know that you are seperated away from them. you are in the group of truly dedicated people and they are not. it's a good feeling, even if you have to do all the work. plus, i'm such a freak that i actually like having my tasks (no matter how tough) just lined up for me and only me. a nice steady working atmosphere makes me happy. i like working alone or with really good friends that i can trust. otherwise, people who you don't really know just, oh say, do it wrong?

the one and only undisterbed yamath
property of obi-wan-kenobi

At Sunday, July 17, 2005 10:44:00 PM, Blogger tay said...

w-o-w. poor roch!!! at least you know what you did...unlike those other people. you are truly dedicated and those other people should be there!

At Monday, July 18, 2005 9:18:00 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

wow, (sorry, off subject) it took me thirty minutes to clean 4 stalls and feed and water and sweep... either the stalls and barn are small or you are really fast! sorry.... maybe it was because i was cleaning them a long time ago but it seemed like a long time....

At Monday, July 18, 2005 6:32:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

lol, we had already cleaned them earlier that day, i just had to pick them out. you are actually faster than me. it usually takes me 15 minutes for one truly dirty stall.

jeune fille de chevals

At Tuesday, July 19, 2005 7:48:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

whew, i thought i was really slow!


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