Sunday, July 3 the time fly right out the window, tryin' to hold on...

i can't believe how fast time goes. especially summer. my summer "break". i knew this would happen because it always does, going to the barn for 6 hours 5 days a week can make your summer disappear so quickly. don't think i'm complaining though, i LOVE going out to the barn every day! i don't even mind getting hot and sweaty and gross because i'm with horses, and horses are my one and only true love at this point in time. actually Avalon is my one and only true love. he is so sweet and although he gives me trouble and doesn't cooperate when we do start working together it can be beautiful.

the problem with time is that when you are always doing things and running places time goes really fast and you get home at 8pm and say "oh my gosh! where has my day gone! i still want to read the house of the scorpion and write about those boys that were hitting on me at BS camp and take a shower and go swimming..... and what about sleep?? i need to get some sleep!" and by the time you've done all these things it is 2 in the morning and you know that you have to get up at 7:30 and start all over again. and you say to yourself "i really love going to the barn, but i wish i could have a day when i don't have to go anywhere." of course then the weekend rolls around, you stay up late watching a movie and writing and reading and you sleep in the next day. you clean your room... you read... you wonder around the house... you say, "boy, i wish i was going to the barn today, this is really boring." why is it always like this? why can't i just be grateful for how life is?

july 3rd. JULY THIRD!!! do you realize that it is JULY THIRD???? do you realize what this means??? it means that FAIR is in TWENTY days!! ONLY TWENTY days!!!! that is a truly frightening thought! when i think about that i say "omg!!!!! why am i sitting here blogging??? i should be at the barn practicing my reining pattern and my dressage tests and practicing pole bending and working on my transitions from canter to walk so that Avalon doesn't fall on his front end when we do down transitions and OMG we have hardly done any jumping and i think i've only driven him 7 times!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" i guess this happens every year. the summer just goes so fast and before long it hits you that "omg, fair is in two days!" and then you run around like a maniac and wonder how you are going to survive, but it always works out in the end. besides, the whole point of fair is to have fun, if you walk out of there with a bunch of blue ribbons that is just a plus.

well... thanks for listening to me go on and on about my problems!


At Sunday, July 03, 2005 8:30:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

sounds like you're pretty busy too. what happens to me with going to work for seven hours a day, five days a week is that i forget what day it is!
"well, yesterday i worked, and the day before that, so does that make it tuesday? or friday?"

the one and only undisterbed yamath

At Monday, July 04, 2005 10:49:00 AM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

lol, yah, i know how that is.

jeune fille de chevals

ps it's spelled j-e-u-n-e. and if you say "jeune femme" it mean a young MARRIED woman. so from now one it jeune fille de chevals

At Monday, July 04, 2005 9:05:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

lol, better not say that!

At Tuesday, July 05, 2005 10:04:00 PM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself! Do you realize that not counting this week i only have a month and two weeks of summer left???? Wow. Time goes by so fast...and it's exactly how you said..when i'm busy with school i wish life would slow down, when i'm out of school i'm bored. isn't there a happy medium????

chica bonita


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