Wednesday, July 6

Rochwen's Close Scrape With Death

i have been training Avalon to drive, or re-training him (since the amish did drive him when he was young) as you may or may not know. so far it has been going really well, he might have those moments where he takes off, but he always stops for me. so yesterday Peggy said it might be a good idea to start driving him in something other than the metal framed, bycicle wheeled, "crash and burn" cart. we had been hoping to start him off driving in the "war wagon" or marathon vehicle. it has four wheels, it's big, it's heavy and it's fast (depending on the horse that is pulling it that is). the problem before was that Avalon is very sensitive to sound, especially if he can't see it. the war wagon is very loud and squeaky and obviously when a horse is wearing blinders he can't see what is behind him constantly making a loud squeaky noise. but he had been so good that we figured he would be ok and that we would stuff some cotton into his ears for extra measure.
so we harnessed him, hitched and started to drive.

he was fine.

we walked up the hill.

he was fine.

Peggy closed the gate.

i wasn't sure whether i thought this was good or bad.

we walked.

he was fine.

"i think it would be ok to t-r-o-t now" said Peggy

so we trotted.

he was fine....

for a few strides...

then he broke into a canter

no big deal

breathe, he'll come down


guess not

that's the shop...

oh shit, he's not slowing down

i turn him

still not slowing down

in fact getting faster

before my brain shut off

all i could hear was what Peggy had said earlier: "this vehicle will go as fast as that horse runs."

and there was the thought that i had never, NEVER, EVER seen Avalon gallop this fast

the arena suddenly felt very small

the fence was approaching very, very fast


Avalon turned

i felt the wagon sliding wildly, there's still a skid mark there, in the grass

oh my god, we're going to flip

then there was the trailer in front of me, the fence on my left and some nicely spaced trees on the right

we're going to crash... maybe Avalon will stop so he doesn't crash... oh my god

Peggy yelling, "steer, baby, steer!"

it occured to me that i had to steer because it wasn't just me that would die if we crashed

i steered

between the trailer and the tree

i don't know how we made it, but we did


open space again


slow down!!

yelling "whoa!"

wagon skidding around turns

leaning all my weight on the reins

getting slower


only cantering, cantering which suddenly seems unnaturaly slow

was i grinning like this the whole time?

slow canter

why am i laughing?


i didn't die

why do i think that was FUN?


how did i manage to NOT hit anything?

Peggy patting me on the back, telling me "good job," asking "are you alright?"

why am i laughing?


feeling disappointment that it didn't go better

sense of joy that i'm alive, that Peggy's alive, that i didn't break the cart, didn't break ANYTHING

walking down to the barn

how can everyone be calmly cleaning tack?


At Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:23:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

omg, roch, you had me breathing hard! omg, i was so scared and into it! i luv ur writing style you got me way into it!
wow, that must have been so scary and freaky! but hey, you know what ur doing and you handled the situation! and the laughing? after something stressful or scary, i am always laughing. it's just what us cool people do! lol!

the one and only undisterbed yamath

property of obi-wan-kenobi!

At Thursday, July 07, 2005 8:55:00 AM, Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! That was a close shave with death. The only thing that worrys me is, that you only started to think after you thought "I won't be the only one who will die"!!!!!! What is that!!!!!

At Thursday, July 07, 2005 2:37:00 PM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

lol, omg, my heart's still pounding!!!! I love the ending...'how can everyone still be cleaning tack?' because that's exactly how it is! When something like that happens, you're always like...wait. why is everyone acting so normal? why didn't the world stop???? lololol!

chica bonita

At Thursday, July 07, 2005 8:51:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

yah, isn't that wierd that i only think about steering until i realize some one else might die too... i guess it just pulls you back to reality.

jeune fille de chevals

At Friday, July 08, 2005 10:29:00 PM, Blogger tay said...

geez give us all a heart attack while we read it!! no i'm glad u and avalon r okay. =)

At Saturday, July 09, 2005 9:28:00 AM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

phew, me too.


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