Tuesday, November 1

this is a comment which i posted on Tal's last Blog. i thought it contained a lot of important opinions (to me of course, you may or may not give a damn about them), so i'm gonna post it here.

i don't think any war is good, no matter who started it or why. i have been taught in biased ways and in unbiased ways. i do like it better when i am just told; "the white man came to america, he chopped off the indians' hands for gold" because then i can say, "this is what happened. i don't think it was right for the white man to chop off the indians' hands. i cannot change that now because it is the past, but with this knowledge i can try to keep this from happening again"that's the point of history. you learn what happened and how and what the results or consequences were so that you won't make the same mistakes in the future. the problem is that humans don't seem to be smart enough to understand that. we have had soooooooo many wars and they have helped for a few years, decades or centuries. and then someone feels hurt or like they got mistreated so they think they have to get revenge and it all starts over again. WAR DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING.

that is my opinion. my opinion is also that i need to have an opinion, because if i don't have an opinion or something to fight for, then what do i have to believe in?? yes, i understand that other people have different opinions than me. that's fine, i don't even mind if they tell me their opinions. i just don't want them to tell me that their opinion is the only one, the only way, that i am wrong and am going to burn in the fires of a hell that i don't believe exists. maybe what we believe is what exists for us. maybe the people who believe that they have sinned and are going to hell will go to hell. maybe the people who believe that they have done their best in life and deserve to go to heaven will go to heaven. maybe the people who believe your life energy moves onto another world WILL have their life energy move onto another world. maybe the people who believe the world is flat WILL fall off the edge of the world. who knows??? i don't.

humans are DEFFINENTLY getting dumber. at least the ones in the US. we are becoming lazy and stuck up and too dependant on technology. we don't pay enough attention to what are politicians are doing, and if we do we don't do enough to stop them or really say what we think. i do think that our democracy is going under. we just might become a dictatorship soon. then we'll be in trouble, and there will be wars and new countries and the US will fade away into a chapter in the history books. won't that be funny. cynicaly funny.


At Tuesday, November 01, 2005 11:41:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

You have a lot of points here that are awesome and that I agree with but my question is, what are we gonna do about it? There are lots of people out there that will explain how society is declining and how we're all going to end up killing our own Uncles, or whatever, but what can we do to stop it? What action can we take? I say shit or get off the pot. Take action or get out of the way!! Wow, I'm getting all worked up here!! Yes!! Let's asassinate Bush!! We'll form a Resistance against him here in America!! We'll all keep training in martial arts and when we are all awesome, we'll take action!! We'll run Bush outa town!! Woo-hoo!! Okay, for anyone whose worried, I'm not planning on actually killing or hurting the President...cough *yet* cough...but what I'm saying is serious stuff needs to happen before I'm happy with this country. Whose holding us back?


At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:04:00 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

Ok. I mostly agree. But look what you're saying... We're going to take out the president and then what? You think killing one guy is going to kill what he believes in and all the troubles going on? That isn't our problem. It isn't about kill Bush. (That makes me think of Kill Bill and i heard it was a really violent movie) Everyone thinks that it is but it isn't going to help anything. You're just using him as a scapegoat because we don't have anywhere else to put the blame and no one is going to put it where it should go. It's really our fault because we're just one big body of people and we're fighting eachother. I don't mean that I like Bush. I don't know what I mean, but I think that you're wacked out. You can't go preaching against war and then say that taking out one guy whose leading us into the war is going to solve anything. Now I sound like a... Ok. Say you kill Bush. What about the people that bombed us? (ok, smashed us with airplanes) What about them? They aren't just going to go away. So you killed Bush. Everyone is freaked out because our president just died and we're in the middle of a war. Everyone is like "yay! we get to go home now!" We pull out of the countries. The "bad guys" band together. They get stronger. They are really angry. Dangerous. While they are using our panic, stupidity, and surprise as cover to pull back together as we're leaving, we're just sitting- running- around screaming. Now the country is really mad at it's self or eachother, however you want to put it. The Bush Haters are running from the Bush Lovers because the BLs think the BHs killed Bush. Now the 'badguys' are ready to get revenge, they come and kill us, we're already confused, we panic. Then we start pointing fingers and get worried because we don't have many places to point. If Kerry were in power we'd be blaming him. If Lord Taco were in power we would blame him. It is just sick. What would you have done if you were playing a board game and someone attacked you? Sit back and say: let's be friends? I don't think you would because that would put you in the vulnerable position, they would be in power because they knew you didn't want to fight so if you didn't do what they said they would bomb you. Now, would you go to war? I have no idea what i would do. But if i could kill the bad guys I would. THEN they would get mad at me, everyone would hate me for killing the people that attacked me... It's a dead end.

Either way it doesn't work. I don't know what i just said, i'm just jabbering. But I really think we should all shut up about killing Bush because it's not his fault we got attacked and killing him isn't going to change the fact we got smashed. So maybe we should all have a really good idea about what we should do next before we go blaming someone for our troubles.

She who listens hears and She who speaks is blind.

At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:22:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

Ok. Forget everyhting i said.

I'm going to put it in as few words as i can.

We can't blame Bush for everything that goes wrong just because we don't like him. We can't look at the worlds troubles and blame one man. We've got to look at ourselves and realize that it is everyones fault and if you don't like what's going on, get off your *** and change it yourself. Don't dump **** all over the people who are in charge. If you want change, don't talk behind someones back. Tell it to their face. Or even better, get up and do it yourself. It won't do us any good to pull out of a country and hope for the best. We have to actually solve the problem. If you find out WHY you got bombed you can fix it. If you just say "war is bad" and sit back you are killing yourself and your country. If you go in and attack the country you're only making trouble for yourself. I don't know what you should do. It's just that there isn't a right or a wrong and it isn't one persons fault and eliminating them isn't going to solve anything. You've got to actually fix the problem in everyone because suppressing them just causes trouble and they will rise up against you in a few years.

So much for making it short.

She who listens hears while She who speaks is blind.

At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:25:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

hmm... my poor brain isn't quite up to processing this... i have to say that as far as i know there aren't any bad guys in this world. the guys who smashed our buildings were doing it because they thought it was the right thing, that that was what God wanted them to do. they thought they would go to heaven for killing the "infidels". i also think that by going to war with them we were giving them EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANTED. they KNEW that if we attacked them then they would be REQUIRED to fight back. then it wouldn't be a big scandal. they also knew that if we attacked them they could BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF US, because we're dumb-asses who think we can just go in with our rows of soldiers and lines of hummers and that they'll meet us with their rows of soldiers and lines of hummers. but that's not how it works, not at ALL. they hide in buildings, plant bombs with laser sensors in the roads and they pick us off one soldier... on hummer at a time. and how many of them have we taken out?? probably none, or at least not enough to speak of. by the time we figure out how such and such hummer got blown to pieces they've moved on to the next one. Bush said that we won this war... but if we won it why are our soldiers still there? why are they still dying?? we're just plain dumb. and i sure as Hell don't know what do do about the whole fucking problem, but if i did i would do SOMETHING about it. hopefully i'll figure it out one of these days.

At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:26:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

Ok. Forget all of that too. I quit. So much for getting my ideas out.

At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:29:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

Roch- you just logged on. i got off to go on mine. but... you're gone now. hi anyway.

At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:29:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

it's so difficult though, to do something about it. you try to make other people understand, but they just say "i'm only one person, i'm not going to waste my time on that" so everyone thinks that, and the few of us who actually care, feel crushed. but if everyone said, "yes!! I can make a difference!" and got off their asses and tried to do something, then, THEN we might achieve something.

At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:31:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...


At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 8:47:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

don't quit!!! we're hear to discuss!!! i'm not going to hate you because you have different ideas from me!!! you make me think, re-evaluate my position. i like that

At Thursday, November 03, 2005 7:44:00 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

Ok. I just want to say ONE MORE THING. If they smashed into our country and we didn't do anything, they would be sitting there going "uhhhhh...." and they would know we didn't want to go to war. They would just attack us again. They had no trouble taking out tons of people that way and they could do it over and over and over again because we didn't go to war. There is no easy way out of this. I think people are sitting at desks trying to find an easy way to solve this. There isn't one. It's just htat simple. And we're making history now, why not do something to make the future history students go "ooooooooooooooh!"? I dont' know. But we can do whatever, we'll live or we die. I dont know. anyway... Oh, and Roch- I had a really freaky dream about you and 'that one guy'.....

At Thursday, November 03, 2005 1:32:00 PM, Blogger Polenta said...

Hey, Tal, calm down. When I was like, "OOO, let's assasinate Bush" I was no where near serious. I was just trying to make it light and funny. Do you understand those two words? "Light" and "Funny"? You should try saying them sometime!!
But I do love controversy because it keeps people thinking and forming new ideas!!!


At Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:15:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

indeed! i think we should kill Bush with our wooden swords!! muahahaha!! beat him to death!! yessssss!!!!!!

At Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:16:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

oh yes. what happens if you bug your little brother?? if he gets mad then you just keep doing it. but if he just sits there and ignores you, yes, you'll try several more times, but if he still doesn't do anything you just get sick of it. i think that is how it would work with Iraq too. they just want attention, they just want to make us look dumb[er] and we are helping them do it.

At Friday, November 04, 2005 6:52:00 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

No, no, no... I knew you weren't serious and I wasn't directing it at you. And I considered that idea about not attacking back. But- like I said, there isn't an easy way out. And we would lose a ton more people that way then we are now. I don't know but it's not like anyone else does. And everything I say is not directed at anyone. I was talking about killing Bush because everyone wants to kill him. I don't even think it's a bad idea but i think that he's getting the blame for everything because no one wants put it on themselves.

I keep saying the same thing over and over and the more I say it the less sense it makes. Ok. FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID. I'm gonna give it one more try.... lol

1. We are one big creature. We our fighting each other and ourselves.

2. We have a lot of problems and they're our fault.

3. Bush is a complete jackass.

4. People tend to put the blame on people that are in power and idiots.

5. That's Bush.

6. He is an idiot, yes, but he's getting way too much blame for everything.

7. Lord Idiot gets the blame because we don't want or don't know it's our own.

8. There is no easy way to solve this.

9. Everyone is interpreting this incorrectly.

10. When I say something it's not directed at anyone.

11. Killing on guy who everyone hates isn't going to solve everything. I am not directing this at you anarolebakawhaty. There are a ton of people who think that it would work but if Bush did get kicked out of the game we'd be even worse then we are now because of panic.

12. I'm going to forget the whole thing. I should retry to do this. This is like my fith time.

19. Am I not good at making enemies?

18. These numbers are correct.

At Friday, November 04, 2005 9:50:00 AM, Blogger Dryad said...


I'm going to try to rephrase everything I said. I am getting worse and worse....

They attacked us because they want us dead. Right? Bush attacked because we didn't want them picking on us. Right? Correct me if i'm wrong...

These guys want us dead. If i wanted someone dead and i attacked them... and they didn't fight back i would have said "wow! what luck!" and taken out the whole country. whether they attacked me or not wouldn't stop me from killing them. Does that sound about right? So i don't think nonretaliation would discourage them. But if you disagree, that's fine.

Most hate Bush. But he's just a scapegoat and whoever is in power has the honor of that position. I think it's stupid to insult what has already happened and not even offer ideas of what to do NOW. People keep saying it was wrong to go to war, it's all his fault. They have some good ideas about what should have been done then. (Including Kam, see Ruthies blog for details. She had a plan about what should have been done AFTER the attack) But it doesn't do any good to whine about what SHOULD have been done. It's past. History. Done. Gone. Finished. We should all just drop it. If it had mattered so much to them they would have stood up and spread their ideas. Some did. Just didn't work. That's beside the point. (lol) We are past the point (of no return) of what to do after the attack. We're in NOW. People should be giving ideas about what to do NOW and not what a bad job is being done. Have you ever done a really hard project and had someone criticize you the whole time? Rather than give you good ideas they complain? Wouldn't you appreciate it if they'd JUST SHUT UP and let you get on with it or help?

About them beating the shit out of us.... They aren't exactly doing that. They're picking us off abotu 2 at a time.

I know i've sent some mixed messages. I am making it sound like i'm offended by everything said. I didn't mean to do that. I'm just annoyed that the world is whining and NOTHING IS GETTING DONE.
Everyone is complaining about Bush. That's fine. Everyone think's he should be doing something else. Again, htat's fine. No one has any ideas about what should be done now except get a new president. That is really far from fine. To be more productive.... Actually have ideas about what should be done.

And I'm just going to shut up now because all i do is show what a bitch/idiot i am and make a lot of enemies.

She who speaks is stupid.

At Friday, November 04, 2005 3:40:00 PM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

tal, u are not. DO NOT be afraid to say what you think! See my blog for more comments...cause they
re to long to put here...


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