Wednesday, October 26

A Religion Based On Fear

That "discussion" (translation: argument) we had in History today made me feel REALLY suffocated and helpless, like i used to feel at C.H.O.I.C.E. For those of you who weren't there i'll give you a brief overview. Leisha gave a presentation on the Scopes Trial. It was a trial trying to make it legal in Tennessee to teach Evolution at public schools. As you might guess this lead to a discussion about current times and of course several certain people (you can guess who they are) said that Evolution should NOT be taught at public schools, but that CREATIONISM should be. I just get SO frustrated when people start saying that Creationism is the only way. It makes me so frustrated that people are so blind. So I started thinking up a little conversation in my head and I will put it here for your enjoyment, critic (or is it critique?), annoyance, or to give you something to swear at...

Haras: How do you know Creationism is the truth?

Valt: Because the Bible says so.

Haras: Wasn't the Bible written by men?

Valt: Yes.

Haras: What are some of the characteristics of Man?

Valt: kind... loving....

Haras: Yes, in some cases. would you agree that Man is sometimes greedy and powerhungry?

Valt: Yes.

Haras: So is it not reasonable to say that the Bible could have been written by a greedy and powerhungry man seeking to get attention for himself?

Valt: No, because he was chosen by God and only a worthy man would be chosen by God.

Haras: How do you know this?

Valt: Because the Bible says so.

Haras: So the Bible which was written by this man says that he is chosen by God?

Valt: Yes

Haras: Mmhm.... Was this man around when the world was created?

Valt: No.

Haras: Then how does he know how it was created if he was not there?

Valt: Because God told him.

Haras: Right, and you know this because it is in the Bible and he was chosen by God to write the Bible and this is also said in the Bible..... God is all good and loving, is that correct?

Valt: Yes.

Haras: And everything that ever was is created by God, right?

Valt: Yes.

Haras: So why is there a Devil and why is there a Hell?

Valt: Because one of God's angel turned against him.

Haras: If God created all the angels why would one be bad and turn against him?

Valt: Because he was evil.

Haras: Why would a God who was all good create something that was evil? and how?

Valt: .....

Haras: Why do you believe in a religion which is based on fear?

Valt: it is not based on fear.

Haras: so you are part of this religion because you want to go to heaven?

Valt: Yes.

Haras: Why do you want to go to heaven?

Valt: Because if I don't go to heaven I will go to Hell.

Haras: Are you afraid of going to Hell?

Valt: Yes. (sorry, this is slightly biased... Valt would probably say "if it is God's will then that is where i will go)

Haras: So what if there was no Hell and everyone went to heaven? Would you be a Christian then?

That is the ultimate question.


At Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:35:00 PM, Blogger tay said...

public schools are for the public who believe any religion...which is why they created schools for particular religions. thats my opinion. and roch you make an excellent point.

At Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:07:00 PM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

yep. agree w/ y.d. but also...i don't think i believe in hell. If I am a christian. On this point I have yet to decide.On one hand, some of the best people I role models...are christian. On the other, there's so many things about christianity that don't sit quite right with me. Everytime i start giving myself wholely to the religion, something inside me pulls away. And I don't know. this confuses me so much.

Gosh, roch, what i said earlier was exactly always bring up these issues that I'm having the same problem with..or at least a similar problem...

At Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man. I totally agree with everything you said here.

you just made my day.

this is Laura, a friend of Mia's.

At Thursday, October 27, 2005 8:05:00 AM, Blogger Dryad said...

Hi again! remember me? do you know who i am? no one does... oh well, if you already know, great, if not ask Mia. And Roch, i already had this conversation and it went very much the same way. In real life though. With a real person. Everything they said i countered. That person had no answer to my questions. I asked if there was anyone other than the 'writer' who could confirm this. "no, no, he was told by an angel" "an ANGEL told this guy?" "yes." "how do you KNOW?" "The bible says so." Ok... whatever... And again, our conversation was almost the same.

At Friday, October 28, 2005 12:47:00 PM, Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

i agree with mia..... same thoughts there.....

hi laura!!!!!

what does Valt stand for????

At Friday, October 28, 2005 4:27:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

vern, ay, Lsh tr?

At Friday, October 28, 2005 6:10:00 PM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

all i have to say for you Carritt... is that you need to listen to your instincts. if you ignore them... you have nothing left. of course, that is only my opinion... well and the opinions of many other screwed up liberals like myself... lol. but i do believe that the best way to find the truth is to listen to your instincts because they KNOW what they are talking about.


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