Friday, August 12

The Fair Drama Continues

so, for those of you who were not at the fair to experience the Fair Drama or did not hear about the Fair Drama i will tell you what happened...

Vernie went on a missions trip right before fair, apparently it changed her life. she decided she wanted to be more spiritual, she realized she had been doing things in her life which she felt guilty about and.... she realized that she had not missed AJ AT ALL!! she also realized she was in love with this guy from her church named Bradie, who has been telling her for about a year that she needs to break up with AJ.

The first day of fair Vernie was going around and around with me about whether she should break up with AJ or if she shouldn't. I told her that if she wasn't happy then she should break up with him. her argument was that they had been together for so long and had planned their whole lives. she just wanted to marry him and have kids... i told her that if she wasn't happy now she deffinently wasn't going to be happy in 10 years when she has 3 kids. then she's going to get a divorce and pretty much ruin her kids lives. besides, if she broke up with him and she realized that she couldn't live without him then they could always get back together.

needless to say, she didn't get up the courage to break up with him that day.

the next day though... after talking to Bradie for 3 hours or so and after he prayed with her, giving her the strength she needed she broke up with AJ. I don't know any details i just know that both of them were very emotionally stressed for several days.

AJ came to the fair every day and sat (looking completely horribly miserable) and would ask her over and over and over again why she had broken up with him. then he would talk to Amelia and tell her that he couldn't seem to talk to Vernie because she had closed her heart off.... he said things like after all theses years... how he put up with not being allowed to kiss her and long discussions with her parents... blah blah blah... trying to make her feel guilty.

she did the right thing breaking up with him.

now in the morning (the following information comes from Greenie, a reliable sorce, although she my exaggerate a little, i don't think this is exaggerated) Bradie calls Vernie in the morning to wake her up. then they talk for hours. seriously hours, 3 or 4 straight.

now they (Vernie and Bradie) have come up with a brilliant plan: when Vernie is 18 she is going to move in with Bradie (aka, shacking up) and they are going to live with each other (but not have sex, hahaha) to see if they really want to live together and be married. then Bradie will move away and if Vernie really loves him, she will follow.


here's the best part: Bradie is not going to go to college. he is going to be a drummer. Vernie is going to college... so she can be a kindergarden teacher. whoa! the money's just gonna be pouring in there! (NOT!)

I really don't know what Vernie is thinking, but i think some one needs to talk some sense into her.


At Friday, August 12, 2005 1:49:00 PM, Blogger Kick-butt soccer star said...

Well, as long as they're happy and their love lives on, the money doesn't matter tooo much... but life will be a little hard for them.

At Friday, August 12, 2005 3:33:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

uh... ok, do me a favor and tell her that she is messed up. she shouldnt be moving in with him, she will fall for him, have a kid or two, get married, be finacially stressed, get divorced, go through emotional shock... she don't need that! if she didnt miss that guy it is good she broke up with him. but of course she will miss whats his name, it will be a lonesome miss though, not a love miss

At Saturday, August 13, 2005 12:18:00 AM, Blogger Esperanza Rising said...

I'll call her.

la chica bonita

At Saturday, August 13, 2005 6:29:00 PM, Blogger fiddlin' fool said...

so when are they getting together? i mean what did rich say? not for a year or something?

At Sunday, August 14, 2005 10:25:00 AM, Blogger Nature's Daughter said...

well, their parents have decided that now that Vern and AJ are broken up none of their kids are allowed to date again. really, once you've let them get away with it once you can't just say it's not going to happen again. it just won't work. with kids, you have to be consistent.

At Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:08:00 AM, Blogger tay said...

that is so not fair! vernie was like a year younger than us now when she started "dating" aj, so why can't ayla date?

At Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:14:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...

because it is bad to be spending time on chasing boys around only to break up any way.... if i ever have kids i wont let them...

At Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:14:00 PM, Blogger Dryad said...



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