Tuesday, November 29

I am winning a losing battle.



I am officially 8th Kyu; white belt.

and nice try Joe, but I'm not doing a Victory DANCE, the SONG was bad enough!

Monday, November 28

... and I am soo upset that Cedric died! (not that I didn't know that that was going to happen) he was so freaking hott!!!

also, you guys should watch "Joan of Arcadia" it's a TV show and we have the complete first season on DVD. It is REALLY good and Adam is so cute!! he always calls Joan, Jane and I love it! *sigh* unfortunately he doesn't exist either. Why does this always happen to me?


I wish Ronald Weasley actually existed because I want him soooooooo much!!!!!

Stupid Hermione!! and Stupid Ron!! Why can't you guys just realize you are in love and stop snogging random people to make each other jealous!!! I mean since I can't snog you myself the least you could do is let Hermione snog you!

Tuesday, November 22

I had my first Aikido test today! and I didn't do anything horrible! we did this awesome technique where you get attacked by someone with a knife. It was really cool... and I actually GOT it. It was AWESOME!

and my lovely [drunken] Aikido friends made me sing a song, IN A RESTAURANT!!! AND MY DAD FREAKING KNEW THAT THEY WOULD MAKE ME AND HE DIDN'T FREAKING WARN ME!!!

my mom made me leave before things started to get interesting (at the restaurant, that is...). Jay and Joe had had a couple beers... and well.... you know. Anyhow, Jay is a Probation Officer (which actually sounds like a really interesting job) and he was just getting ready to tell us about his 'littler stripper' and then my mom says "ok, it's time for us to go" MOM!!!!

Joe: He's easy

Tony: Don't tell anyone

Joe: I didn't mean you were cheap

Sunday, November 20

AOL Instant Messenger!

Alright!! I think I finally got it working!!

No one has been on yet, so I have not been able to test it.

Although I have been talking to that one moviefone robot, which is pretty funny.

Here are my Screen Names, they are linked, so you can put one, or both or whatever:



Saturday, November 19



























Tuesday, November 15

What is the purpose of religion?

Think hard about this one...

I do NOT want whatever happens to come off the top of your head.

I want your opinion, just your pure, potent opinion.

Monday, November 14

Are you frightened now?

I am.

I can't believe that effing idiot RUNS OUR FREAKING COUNTRY!

Sunday, November 13

Patty Larkin - Italion Shoes - From Her Album "Red = Luck"

Desire to communicate.
Is what I'm trying to say,
what I'm trying to say?
He wore Italian shoes
Like that's supposed to mean something
I mean I could wear Italian shoes too
And it wouldn't mean a thing
Except maybe the first time I sore them
And I was trying to get to you
I mean it's not like I'm trying to get to you
It's like I'm trying to be with you
And it's not like I'm trying
Becase you know I want to be
And it's not like I want to be with you
Because I already am with you
And it's not like I am with you becase I'm far away
What I'm trying to say
She had the hair of a star
Like that's supposed to mean something
I mean I could make my hair look reas good too
And it wouldn't mean a thing to me
Except maybe if it turned out perfect
And it turned out that I got to you
I mean it's not like I'm trying to be a star for you
It's like I'm trying to be with you
And it's not like I'm trying
Because you know I want to be
And it's not like I want to be with you
Because I already am with you
And it's not like I am with you
Because I'm far away
What I'm trying to say
What I'm trying to say is
What I'm trying to say
What I'm trying t osay is
What I'm trying to say
You could tell me I love you
Like that's supposed to mean something
I mean I could always say I love you too
And it wouldn't mean a thing to me
Except every time you'd say it
IJ'd probably fall in love with you
I mean it's not like I'm trying to fall for you
It'd like I'm trying to be with you
And it's not like I'm trying because you know I wanna be
And it's not like I want to be with you
Because I already am with you
And it's not like I am with you
Because I'm far away
What I'm trying to say
What I'm trying to say is
What I'm trying to say
What I'm trying to say is
What I'm trying to say
What I'm trying to say is
What I'm trying to say
What I'm trying to say is
What I'm trying to say

So kiss me...

Saturday, November 12

Patty Larkin
I'm going to Ann Arbor to see her in concert tonight!

Wednesday, November 9

Ok, now that I am vaguely satisfied with my blog template I will tell you what really happened, in regards to my last post... which unfortuantely did not freak you guys out as much as I was hoping it would... lol.

I always go to Aikido in my Dogi, so none of the people there had ever seen me in "street clothes" as they like to call them. So one day I didn't change before I went, so I came in wearing my street clothes. When Joe (that would be my teacher) came he said, "Who is that? Oh! That's Sarah! I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!" So they always joke about that. "Don't let her parents hear that or they won't let her come back..." etc etc etc. It's really quite amusing.

I'm testing for white belt in 13 days!! ahhh!!!

Friday, November 4


Joe said: "I didn't recognise you with your clothes on, Rochwen"

Tuesday, November 1

this is a comment which i posted on Tal's last Blog. i thought it contained a lot of important opinions (to me of course, you may or may not give a damn about them), so i'm gonna post it here.

i don't think any war is good, no matter who started it or why. i have been taught in biased ways and in unbiased ways. i do like it better when i am just told; "the white man came to america, he chopped off the indians' hands for gold" because then i can say, "this is what happened. i don't think it was right for the white man to chop off the indians' hands. i cannot change that now because it is the past, but with this knowledge i can try to keep this from happening again"that's the point of history. you learn what happened and how and what the results or consequences were so that you won't make the same mistakes in the future. the problem is that humans don't seem to be smart enough to understand that. we have had soooooooo many wars and they have helped for a few years, decades or centuries. and then someone feels hurt or like they got mistreated so they think they have to get revenge and it all starts over again. WAR DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING.

that is my opinion. my opinion is also that i need to have an opinion, because if i don't have an opinion or something to fight for, then what do i have to believe in?? yes, i understand that other people have different opinions than me. that's fine, i don't even mind if they tell me their opinions. i just don't want them to tell me that their opinion is the only one, the only way, that i am wrong and am going to burn in the fires of a hell that i don't believe exists. maybe what we believe is what exists for us. maybe the people who believe that they have sinned and are going to hell will go to hell. maybe the people who believe that they have done their best in life and deserve to go to heaven will go to heaven. maybe the people who believe your life energy moves onto another world WILL have their life energy move onto another world. maybe the people who believe the world is flat WILL fall off the edge of the world. who knows??? i don't.

humans are DEFFINENTLY getting dumber. at least the ones in the US. we are becoming lazy and stuck up and too dependant on technology. we don't pay enough attention to what are politicians are doing, and if we do we don't do enough to stop them or really say what we think. i do think that our democracy is going under. we just might become a dictatorship soon. then we'll be in trouble, and there will be wars and new countries and the US will fade away into a chapter in the history books. won't that be funny. cynicaly funny.