Monday, September 3


is there anybody out there???

I need some information....




Hell flow


Newton’s First Law
August 29, 2007
Principles of Physical Science

Newton’s first law of motion states that any object that is moving will continue to move until a force acts upon it. It also says that any object that is at rest will remain at rest until some force causes it to move. This is because all objects possess inertia or the unwillingness to change.

For example, if I was in outer space and threw a tennis ball, the ball would continue traveling indefinitely. If the ball were to meet a force, its travel could be slowed, halted or accelerated. It could collide with a piece of debris, which might cause it to slow down. It could be pulled into the gravitational field of a planet, which might cause it to go faster. It might be caught by an alien space ship, and thus come to rest. All of these – the debris, the gravitational field and the aliens – are forces that could alter the motion of my tennis ball. However, if no forces interfered with the ball’s motion, it would continue to soar through space until the end of time.

There are many simple experiments that demonstrate Newton’s first law. These are two of them:

1. For this experiment you will need a cup, an index card and a penny. Place the index card on top of the cup and the penny on the card. Now, flick the card straight out with your finger. Your finger provides a force that causes the index card to move horizontally. The penny will not move with the card; it will fall into the cup. The penny does not move horizontally because, as Newton’s first law says, objects will not move unless a force acts on them. The force of your finger acted on the index card only. The penny fell into the cup because once the index card – which was supporting the penny – moved, gravity acted as a force on the penny and pulled it downward.

2. This experiment requires a golf ball and a cup. Put the ball in the cup, and then lay the cup on its side. Push the cup forward then stop suddenly. The cup will stop but the ball will continue moving and roll out of the cup. This happens because the bottom of the cup supported the ball and forced it to move with the cup, but when you stop the cup, there is no force acting on the ball so it remains in motion.

Seatbelts in cars also demonstrate Newton’s first law of motion. If a person is in a car, with no seatbelt on, traveling fifty miles per hour and the car stops suddenly – perhaps because it hits a tree (the force terminating the cars motion) – the person will continue to travel fifty miles per hour through the windshield. This happens because a force (the tree) acted upon the car, but not the person. If we reenact the scenario, this time with the person wearing a seatbelt, when the car hits the tree and stops, the person will also stop. This is because the seatbelt essentially makes the person part of the car. Any force that acts on the car will in turn act on the person. This is how seatbelts can save lives.

Thursday, July 13


i haven't posted anything in such a long time!! summer is just too much fun, too crazy and too exhausting for me to spend time on this stupid, slow computer! i don't even know what to write.

Avalon is being awesome this year. It is so amazing how good he is being!

Some certain people are not always quite as cooperative as would be most appreciated but i'm not going to let it get me down like it did last year. i take a measure of pride in knowing that i work twice as hard as them and still have energy left over.

I have NOT been doing a good job of keeping in touch with those friends who are not directly related to my horse world. I'm sorry!! I must strive to do better and not get so caught up in things that i lose touch!


Sunday, May 28

“Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out. It's all about timing.”

~Stacey Charter~

Friday, May 26

Jem "Falling For You"

Said there'd be no going back
Promised myself I'd never be that sad
Maybe that's why you've come along
To show me, it's not always bad

Coz I can feel it, baby
I feel like I'm falling for you
But I'm scared to, let go
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

It's true I've become a skeptic
How many couples really love
Just wish I had a crystal ball
To show me, if it's worth it all

Coz I can feel it, baby
I feel like I'm falling for you
But I'm scared to, let go
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

Yeah I can feel it, baby
I feel like I'm falling for you
But I'm scared to, let go
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so
And I've got to be sure
Coz it's been so long
And I cannot take the pain again
If it all goes wrong

Coz I can feel it, baby
I feel like I'm falling for you
But I'm scared to, let go
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

Yeah I can feel it, baby
I feel like I'm falling for you
But I'm scared to, let go
I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

I want you so much
I need you so much
I want you so much
I need you so much

[believe me my love believe me my love]

Without Wax,
PS: ...They shine as though you're burning inside...

Tuesday, May 23

Natasha Bedingfield "Single"

I'm not waitin' around for a man to save me
(Cos I'm happy where I am)

Don't depend on a guy to validate me
(No no)
I don't need to be anyone's baby
(Is that so hard to understand?)
No I don't need another half to make me whole

Make your move if you want
doesn't mean I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up
you either got it or you don't

This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant

I'm single (Right now)
That's how I wanna be
I'm single (Right now)
That's how I wanna be
Ah yeah Uh Huh that's right

Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good
(I like who I am)
I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cos I would
I'm not gonna get hooked up just 'cos you say I should
(Can't romance on demand)
I'm gonna wait so I'm sorry if you misunderstood

This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant

Everything in it's right time
everything in it's right place
I know I'll settle down one day
But 'til then I like it this way
it's my way
Eh I like it this way

Make your move if you want
doesn't mean I will or won't
I'm free to make my mind up
you either got it or you don't

'Til then I'm single
This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant

There's only one problem...
it just doesn't work that way for me

ack!! get out of my head Blonde Over Blue!!
and don't let me read any books with kissing, sex or romance in them!!
-Without Wax,

Saturday, May 20

How DO You Tie a Sarong?

"How do you tie a sarong?", is the most frequently asked question. Tying a sarong is not as complicated as it may seem. Tying your sarong just takes a little patience, practice, experimentation and a relaxed attitude. One of the easiest methods is to tie your sarong as a skirt around your waist. However, sarongs can be utilized to make quick dresses, shawls, swimsuit cover-ups, scarves, turbans and much more. To help you get a better understanding of how to wear your sarong, we've included some ideas on how to tie your sarong in this section. Check out the pictures and read the instructions and before you know it you'll be a sarong tying expert!

WARNING: Sarongs are extremely addictive and once you start wearing them you'll never want to take them off!

Did you know that sarongs are quickly becoming one of the most essential fashion accessories? Why is this you ask? Simply, sarongs are amazing. They travel well, look great and feel fantastic. In a nut shell, sarongs provide convenience and fashion too.

Sarongs are easy to wear and very sexy, no doubt about it. So learn to tie your sarong in the best way possible. You want to look great and you don't want it falling off of while your walking down the street. That could be embarrassing.


Random Posts of a Got-up-too-early Girl



and my poor foot hurts and I don't know why.

Monday, May 15

ok, wow, I cannot believe how you guys jumped on that little bit about a guy! first of all, you should know G that if I were to tell you who I was talking about you would be like "What the fuck?!?"

second of all, whether you believe me or not, I do not have a crush on this guy.

do any of you just have a guy that you once had a crush on, who is really hott and sometimes you just say to yourself, "what would happen if I asked this guy out? would he say yes? if he did would we have fun? would we have anything to talk about?" do you ever just wonder what would happen if you just said, "what the hay, I don't have a crush on this guy anymore, what have a got to lose?" and you just asked him out for the fun of it?

that is exactly what this is. it could really be any guy i have had a crush on in the past, but for whatever wierd reason, my mind has chosen this one.

ok, that's the end of the story. not very exciting really.



Saturday, May 13

alright, so i think we all agreed that we would start updating our blogs? i hope so because here I am updating and it would be really pointless for me to update if no one was going to actually come and comment.

you know what I realized? this blog is over a year old! because I had it last year on my 15th birthday! and now.... now I am going to be SIXTEEN[!!!!!] tomorrow!!!!!! yes, i am excited. really excited!

and i can drive! and i love to drive!!! and I want to drive!!!!!!

ok, i swear he is one of the most polite guys in the world. he can be a complete egotistical bastard when certain people are around, but he is also really sweet. I mean, I called to ask if my brother could stay at their house until 1:30 or 2 o'clock since my mom was running late (again) and before we hung up he said "have a good day". how nice and cute is that? I mean, only really awesome, nice guys say "have a good day" at the end of a conversation.

sometimes I want to ask him out just to find out what would happen. i probably never will though. and A would deffinently murder me in my sleep if I did, lol. Still, I can't help wondering what would happen.


Tuesday, April 4

I'm Free!!!!!!!!!!

I killed my xanga.



starting today, I am going on a computer-free diet for the next two weeks.

the only exceptions are for school and to check my e-mails (for school purposes) every once in a while... maybe... so don't send me anything important.

maybe I should kill my blog too....

stab it in the throat with a ballpoint pen....


Sunday, April 2

I. I never, ever wish to be stabbed in the throat with a ballpoint pen.

II. I never, ever wish to have occasion to stab someone else in the throat with a ballpoint pen.

a. I especially never wish to have occasion to stab a hot guy in the throat with a ballpoint pen*.

*although, in a situation which might cause me to stab a guy in the throat he would probably not be so hot, despite looks which might point to such a thing.

Red Eye is any awesome movie!

Saturday, March 25



yup, as you might guess, another pointless post put forth by a prodigious procrastinator.





shut up.


do you want me to lose my temper?


fool, i am more powerful than you could ever imagine.

(falsely high voice) oh no! i have angered her!

you are walking a line, my friend.

"get off of your white horse, and you're how it should be"

stop singing songs!

"everything you say to me (takes me one step closer to the edge) i need a little room to breathe (cause I'm one step closer to the edge) and I'm about to BREAK!"

oh geez, now i've got her going.

"how could this happen to me? i made my mistakes, the night goes on as i'm fading away..."

alright that's it.


Friday, March 24

"... mm, i get high with a little help from my friends."

goodness knows what I am writing about... I don't really feel like I have anything to say... well, that is not entirely true. I have plenty of things to say, like:


ah, that is so beautiful. lol

I really should be working on my essay about "campus unrest" which is due to P by Monday. It is so annoying when i put these things off. Last time I put my essay off I practically killed myself getting it to her, and it was still late because I got it to her at 12:40am. But did I learn my lesson? ... noooo.... so here I am, typing away on a post which is pretty much pointless... except for the part where I said "FUCK YOU, BUSH!!!". And, in case you were wondering who I was talking about, I was talking about my next door neighbors, wives, boyfriends, sister's daughter's friends brother.... he he he.

here is a good story. it is actually a true story, lol.

A: where did you get that music?

Me: from my boyfriend

A: oooh, riiiiight.

Me: seriously! he illegaly downloaded it off the internet, burned it onto a CD and gave it to me!

A: mmhm, and what boyfriend would that be?

Me: (mysteriously) the one you don't know about.


Me: in case you were wondering... I am getting a hummer for my birthday.

A: really

Me: yup!

A: and might I ask who is giving it to you?

Me: my boyfriend... you know, the one who downloads music illegaly off the internet and burns them onto CDs for me.

A: and where is he going to get it?

Me: he is going to illegaly download it off the internet!

A: (rolls his eyes, exhasperated) I would like to see that.

lol, it was deffinently funnier when it happened....

and no, I do not have a boyfriend, in case you were wondering.


Thursday, March 23



Tuesday, March 21

"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

-President Bush-

"Only the Sith deal in absolutes"

-Obi Wan Kenobi-

Monday, March 20

The Day Freedom Died: By Rochwen

Watch them burn your freedom.
Watch them choke your voice.

You see the fires burning,
Sparks reaching to the sky.
Hold that sight forever,
Today freedom will die.

You watch the smoking gasses,
Choking the clear air.
Speak now, my friend,
Of all that is just and fair.

For today they burn your freedom,
Today they choke your voice.

They do not have mercy,
They will never care.
They only want broken voices,
And to see your vacant stare.

Now you will always remember:

How you watched them burn your freedom,
How you let them choke your voice.
I even heard you give a mightly cheer;
Do not say you had no choice.

* * *
Ohio, Kent State University
May 4, 1970
The day freedom, right to assemble and free speech died.
I will never let freedom die again.

Saturday, March 18

Imagine: John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the peoplel
iving for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one

Friday, March 17

Working Class Hero: By John Lennon

As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.

When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.

There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.

If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

Thursday, March 16

ok, so I am not going to talk about... that... because... I am not going too...

I have a story to tell. And a question to ask.

Once there lived a woman and her slave... husband! i mean husband! Anyhow, they lived on a remote island in the middle of the sea. They lived in a small community along with the rest of the 100 people who lived there. There was no religion and everyone lived peacefully and happily together. They all loved eachother, never stole or killed or committed adultery or anything bad like that.

Now, in the USA there lived a woman. She was a very... naughty... woman. She earned a living as a prostitute, and when that didn't pay she would steal. She had also killed one of her 'clients' when he wouldn't pay her. Well, finally, one day she was caught stealing, by the police. She was put in jail. While she was in jail a priest came to her and talked to her about God and Jesus and all that other Christian stuff. Soon she was converted to Christianity; she accepted Jesus as her savior and she never did anything 'naughty' again.

So... in your opinion who goes to Hell and who goes to Heaven or do they both go to Heaven or both to Hell (this is assuming that there IS a Heaven and Hell)? According to your religion or church or pastor, who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell?

Wednesday, March 15

please excuse my French:







I cannot believe he is dead.

I cannot believe that George Harrison is dead.

Monday, March 13

*sigh* it is so sad that the Beatles broke up. I suppose it had to happen though, it is the way of things. it is the way of life. energy for one thing dies and moves on to another. The Beatles died and their energy moved on to other things, like wives and families. sorry, i'm kind of getting ahead of your education for the Beatles, but I just saw the final tape in the Beatles Anthology which is about the Beatles breaking up. I am sure I can come up with other interesting quotes though...

oooh! here's something interesting about the Beatles. All of them dislike or hated school. All of them were constantly skiving off school. Ringo only got 5 years of school in his whole life and most of them were getting really lousy grades. (Einstein was really horrible in school too) All of them were smoking and drinking by the time they were 16 or 17. John's aunt (whom he lived with) told him that playing the guitar was a good hobby, but that he would never make a living off of it. lol. Paul (John and Paul wrote most of the songs) cannot read or write music to this day. Ringo can't write very well, nor spell.

They were (and are, except for John because he was shot) geniuses.

Absolute geniuses.

Revolution; The Beatles

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be all right all right, all right
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're doing what we can
But when you want money
for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
all right, all right
Ah ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution W
ell, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be all right
all right, all right
all right, all right,
all right all right,
all right, all right

their songs just got better and better, right to the very end.

Friday, March 10

Some Words of Wisdom from Ringo Starr

"Whenever we overdid our intake [of drugs], the music we made was absolutely shit. We'd go home real happy with teh tape, and we'd play it when we got home and play it the next day. Every time, we'd come back to record again we'd all look at eachother and say, 'Well, we have to do that on again.' Because you know, it didn't work, it didn't work for the Beatles to be too deranged when making music."
* * *
and sorry about the picture of John smoking, but he looked really hot in that one... lol
I love Ringo!

here... is this a more satisfactory picture of John? you better be happy because I had to go to page 12 of the image results to find it!
* * *
I feel that it is my Civic Duty (ahem, to the Beatles) to spread The Truth. If you do not accept this as Truth you will burn in the fires of Hell!! muahahahaha! jk, jk, jk. ok, here it is:

The Beatles song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is NOT about LSD as has been the general rumour for the past 40 years. Yes, I have evidence, it's this gigantic book called "the Beatles Anthology" which is a collection of interviews with the Beatles. it's huge, like 12" by 18" and 356 pages long, besides the fact that the print is tiny. So here are the interviews:

Ringo said: "'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' and all the madness that went on around it was absolutely bonkers. I was actually with John when Julain came in with this little kid's painting, a crazy little painting, and John (as the dad) said, 'Oh, what's that?' and Julian said, 'It's Lucy in the sky with diamonds.'And then John got busy."

Paul said: "I showed up at John's house and he had a drawing Julain had done at school with the title ' Lucy in the Sky with Diamsonds' above it. Then we went up to his music room and wrote the song, swapping psychedelic suggestions as we went. I remember coming up with 'cellophane flowers' and 'newspaper taxis' and John answered with things like ' kaleidoscope eyes' and 'looking glass ties'. We never noticed the LSD initial until it was pointed out later - by which point people didn't believe us.

John said: "I saw Mel Torme introducing a Lennon-McCartney show, saying how 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamsonds' was about LSD. It never was, and nobody believes me. I swear to God, or sweart to Mao, or to anybody you like, I had not idea it spelt LSD. This is the truth: my song came home with a drawing and showed me this strange-looking woman flying around. I said, 'What is it?' and he said, 'It's Lucy in the sky with diamsonds,' and I thought, 'That's beautiful.' I immediately wrote a song about it. And the song had gone out, the whole album had been published, and someboydy noticed that the letterse spelt out LSD. I had no idea, and of course after that I was checking all the songsto see what the letterse spelt out. They didn't spell out anything, none of the others. It wasn't about that at all.
The images were from 'Alice in Wonderland'. It was Alice in the boat. She is buying an agg and it turns into Humpy-Dumpty. The woman serving in the shop turns into a sheep, and the next minute they're rowing in a rowing boat somewhere - and I was visualising that. There was also the image of the female who would someday come save me - 'a girld with kaleidoscope eyes' who would come out of the sky. It's not an acid song."
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds; the Beatles
Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you,
you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she’s gone.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies,
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,
That grow so incredibly high.
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you’re gone.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds,
Picture yourself on a train in a station,
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties,
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle,
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes.
PS: (as though you haven't already heard enough from me) has anyone noticed that in the 'psychedelic' songs people use strange imagery, and that some of us use strange imagery too in our poems and stories? I just thought that was kind of interesting; something to think about.

Thursday, March 9

Some Words of Wisdom from John Lennon

"Ninety per cent of the people on this planet, especially in the West, were born out of a bottle of whisky on a Saturday night, and there was no intent to have children. Ninetly per cent of us were accidents - I don't know anybody who has planned a child. All of us were Saturday-night specials."
* * *
"...It's the same thing I'm expressing all the time, but now I can put it into that sentence, that I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends. But I'm likely to be put away as insane for expressing that. That what's insane about it."
* * *
"My education was sorely lacking; the only thing we did learn was fear and hatred, especially of the opposite sex.
As a teenager, all I saw were films where men beat up women. That was tough, that was the thing to do, slap them in the face, treat them rough - Humphrey Bogart and all that jazz. So that's the attitude we're brought up with. It took me a long time to get that out. That isn't reality.
The way I started understanding it was thinking, 'What would happen if I said to Ringo or Paul or George: "Go fetch that. Put the kettle on. Somebody's at the door..."' If you treated your best male friend the way you treat your woman, he'd give you a punch in the face."
- - -
I love him!!
and yes, he did give up smoking... after he and the rest of the Beatles went to India and started meditating and such.

Tuesday, March 7

you guys are probably ready to strangle me if I say anything more about the Fab Four, so I won't talk about them...

today i rode Avalon for the first time in a REALLY long time. It was really nice! He is deffinently out of shape (that does not mean he didn't have enough energy to try and buck me off), it's been months though. I'll probably be feeling it tomorrow too. I cannot believe that the school year is over half finished! that is insane. it seems like every year goes by faster and faster.

I'm getting old too fast!

the world is spinning!

the sky is falling!

ElfQuest rocks!

I love Paul McCartney!

no!! no no no! don't strangle me! I won't say any more about them...

I am the walrus.

whoops (he he he)

Monday, March 6

John Lennon!!!!

I miss you!

I miss you like chocolate on a hot afternoon,

I miss you like butterflies in winter,

I miss you like buttered popcorn!

you left too soon!

Saturday, March 4

The Beatles "Twist and Shout"

yah, yah, i know. They're really DEEP. shut up! shut up! they rock!!

Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
C'mon c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)

Well, work it on out, honey. (work it on out)
You know you look so good. (look so good)
You know you got me goin', now, (got me goin')
Just like I knew you would. (like I knew you would)

Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)

You know you twist your little girl, (twist, little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine. (let me know you're mine)

Well, shake it up, baby, now, (shake it up, baby)
Twist and shout. (twist and shout)
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now, (come on baby)
Come on and work it on out. (work it on out)

You know you twist your little girl, (twist, little girl)
You know you twist so fine. (twist so fine)
Come on and twist a little closer, now, (twist a little closer)
And let me know that you're mine. (let me know you're mine)

Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it upbaby)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it upbaby)
Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now. (shake it upbaby)

they are SO cute when they perform this song! oh! you cannot even imagine!
what's that you say about OBSESSION??

Thursday, March 2

I'm in Love With a Stripper...

okay, no, I am not in love with a stripper.

I am in love with... the Beatles!!!
especially Paul McCartney when he was seventeen!!! (yah, this is a little wierd because he is 64 right now and I can only be in love with someone who is 64 if they happen to be Harrison Ford)
but... did you know that on one of their first tours (in Germany) they dated strippers? How prodigious is that? lol. I just thought that was a little fact you might find interesting...







Wednesday, March 1



And Joe, that was one of those, funny but not so funny jokes.

Joe: I am sorry to say that I have no certificates to hand out.

Me (thinking): you have to be kidding, because I don't think I can do that test any better, at least not anytime soon.

Of course, he was only saying that because the certificates had not come in the mail yet. whew! So I am now 7th kyu!! A green belt!

Tuesday, February 28

A saying comes to mind as I send my essay off to Phebe half an hour late.

'Procrastination Killed the Cat'

Sunday, February 26

Why am I HERE???

I am convinced that before I was here I was sucked into a worm whole from one of the following places:

1. Middle Earth, where I was an elf named Rochwen and was engaged to Legolas when I "mysteriously" disappeared.

2. The Middle Ages where I was a woman who disguised herself as a man and became a knight before I "mysteriously" disappeared.

3. The 60s where I was a hippie, a supporter of female rights and a strong protester against the vietnam war, until I "mysteriously" disappeared.

I'm not really joking

Friday, February 24

The only place I cannot go is nowhere.

Tuesday, February 21

Evan Lysacek....
my hero

Tanith Belbin and Ben Agosto...
I love them too!!
they are amazing skaters
and totally georgious people!

Thursday, February 16

Daydreams... they just prove that I am never safe...

he was so georgious. That was the only way to put it. And he was mine. All mine and no one elses. He was coming closer, I could feel his breath on my skin smell his pine smell. He whispered in my ear, "I want you." My heart jumped.... with fear. Before my eyes his clothes had been transformed, he was now wearing red, white and blue and a huge, tall red and white striped hat. He was still georgious, he would be georgious not matter what he wore. But he was smiling in the most terrible way.

"I want you... for the US army!" he bellowed.


but it was too late.

He had taken my soul.

Thursday, February 9


I have been reading this book, it is called "Yes, your parents are crazy! A teen survival guide" It is not just about dealing with parents. It's about pretty much every problem and difficulty and change that comes with being a teen. It is very good, I highly recommend it. I actually wish I had had it about 2-3 years ago, I think I might have gotten through the past few years with less scars. Oh well, I still have time to heal.

I am getting off subject though. One of the sections in the book (yes, your parents are crazy) is about sexual orientation... Hmm... how do I start this. Well, personally, I think there is nothing wrong with gay (when I say "gay" I mean lesbian, gay or bisexual) people. They were born that way, there is nothing they can do about it. And why would someone "choose" to be gay when they are so heavily persecuted? Besides, I can't just wake up tomorrow and say, "hey, I've decided that I want to be a lesbian!" it doesn't work that way. I am how I am and I couldn't change it even if I wanted to.

In the book there is a story about this kid who was leaving a school dance when he was grabbed, had a pillowcase pulled over his head and then all these people started kicking him. He was eventually knocked out. When he woke up he was in a different place, tied up, with the pillowcase still over his head. He heard people and then someone came and shoved a gun against his head, saying something like: you're a fag so we're gonna kill you. The guy pulled the trigger. For whatever reason nothing happened, perhaps the gun was fake or broken. The point is that people are BEATEN and KILLED just because they have a different sexual orientation than the majority of people. Is that messed up or WHAT??

I used to sort of think that being gay was wrong, just because it seemed like everyone around me thought it was wrong. Then I started to realise that that was NOT what I believed.

The wierd thing is that during our Anatomy and Physiology class we somehow got onto the subject of gays. No one was saying anything really horrible about them, but they were subtly saying that they thought there was something wrong with them. (besides I already know from past conversations that these particular people do NOT think being gay is ok) I was not saying anything because I have found that my best option on these occasions is to keep my mouth shut, otherwise I tend to get angry) and V of course noticed, because she notices this sort of thing and she asked if their conversation was bothering me. No, not really (excuse me... liar!) but I didn't have a problem with them, I didn't think they had a choice and I certainly didn't think there was anything wrong with them.

This of course sparked a religious discussion. I found out that at V's church a gay would probably not be accepted. They would be turned aside. The pastor would talk to the person and say, "well, you can accept Christ as your savior, but as long as you are gay it doesn't matter what you do; you're going to Hell". Basically V was saying that God loves everyone, Christ loves everyone, but it doesn't matter how good you are, how kind you are, how much you love christ, if you are gay you can expect to spend eternity burning in the fires of Hell.

This really bothers me. It doesn't make sense. It just doesn't make sense to me. How can God love everyone yet send some of them to eternal pain and suffering in Hell??

V tried to compare God to parents. She said that sometimes parents get mad at you, but they still love you. I asked, "Do they send you to Hell when they get mad at you?". Unfortunately she didn't have an answer for that one. And unfortunately our teacher came in and cut off our conversation.

Now, my head is kind of messed up right now since my brain is currently being "wired" so I can't really put into words my thoughts about this.

But I know for myself that it doesn't make sense for Hell to exist. And if it did exist it doesn't make sense that a God who loved everyone would send anyone to Hell. It also makes no sense that God would send people to eternal suffering just because they liked people of the same sex. To me this is just plain WRONG.

What is so "wrong" with being gay?? It doesn't harm anyone. Why do so many have a problem with it?

What I would like to ask V is, "What if I told you I was gay? and what if it was true? Would you hate me forever? Would you persecute me and tell cruel jokes about me behind my back? Would you hate someone who you called your friend just because she was brave enough to come out and tell you she was gay?"

I just don't understand.

Wednesday, February 8

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."

- George W. Bush -

this is one reason to love Bush...


the reason for the change... well, one of them

aren't we the same as them if we go around bashing them? yes, we probably are. and yes, it is fun, but instead of thinking and saying "stop war! we hate war!" why don't we say, "peace! peace starts now!! we love peace!" doesn't that seem better?? it seems better to me. of course, i am sure i'll have some days when i just need to vent, and i'm sure that's fine. pent up feelings of frustration and anger are only harmful if they are kept inside. but why put energy into hating when you can put it into loving?

just something to think about.

and you know, if you can't think of any reason to love Bush.... then don't have any feelings towards him.

- Kalquen -

Monday, February 6

stupid essay!!!!! argh!!

it is almost done though

if i can find something good about Korea in current events.

geez, the korean war was so dumb!!!

ugh, it could so easily have become World War III

why is it that I am always the one that rights long essays??

are they boring?

do people hate them??

because it really would be a waste of time if i was writing five pages essays that people hated....

well, i've got to go.

gotta find out why North Korea has nuclear weapons.

actually I already know

I found a quote:

it's because of the US

can you blame them?

they are trying to protect themselves.

I don't blame them.

"axis of evil" indeed

thanks Bush

Friday, February 3

Guess what happened today!!!!!!!

I fell in love!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, January 24

Street Moths
by X.J. Kennedy
Mature enough to smoke but not to drink,
Grown boys at night before the games arcade
Wearing tattoos that wash off in the sink
Accelerate vain efforts to get laid.

Parading in formation past them, short
Skirts and tight jeans pretending not to see
This pack of starving wolves who pay them court
Turn noses up at cries of agony –

Baby, let's do it! Each suggestion falls
Dead to the gutter to be swept aside
Like some presumptuous bug that hits brick walls,
Rating a mere Get lost and death-ray eyes.

Still, they keep launching blundering campaigns,
Trying their wings once more in hopeless flight:
Blind moths against the wires of window screens.
Anything. Anything for a fix of light.

Saturday, January 21

you have failed.

you do not get a second life.

you do not get a second try.

now what?

Saturday, January 14

forget the chocolate....


did you notice that N has a really nice smile?

and Y looks like Obi-wan-Kenobi?

and that A is really nice?

oh, and that A called G, B???

tsk tsk, naughty naughty

and ewe, was what's-his-face FLIRTING with me??? i certainly hope not, because that is just gross.


and i never want to be queen, ever!! ever!!! EVER!!!!!


my subjects were most gracious and devoted nonetheless, despite the fact that I am a difficult queen to control.

and woe is you if you can understand any of this.

Thursday, January 12

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

"The most heinous and the most cruel crimes of which history has record have been committed under the cover of religion or equally noble motives"

- Mahatma Gandhi -

the wisest man to ever live. I agree with him entirely

Tuesday, January 10

"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."
- Charles M. Schulz --

... Brilliant man, I'll bet he never went on a sugar-free diet though. *sigh* i think i'm gonna need to find some sugar-free chocolate, or make somethin' with stevia and maple syrup... mmm, yummy!

Saturday, January 7

Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.
- Horace

"Eowyn, why do you tarry here, and do not go to the rejoicing in Cormallen beyond Cair Andros, where your brother awaits you?"

And she said: "Do you not know?"

But he answered: " Two reasons there may be, but which is true, I do not know."

And she said: "I do not wish to play at riddles. Speak plainer!"

"Then if you will have it so, lady," he said: "you do not go, because only your brother called for you, and to look on the Lord Aragorn, Elendil's heir, in his triumph woudl now bring you no joy. Or because I do not go, and you desire still to be near me. And maybe for both these reasons, and you yourself cannot choose between them. Eowyn, do you not love me, or will you not?"

"I wished to be loved by another," she answered. "But I desire no man's pity."

"That I know," he said. "You desired to have the love of the Lord Aragorn. Because he was high and puissant, and you wished to have renown and glory and to be lifted far above the mean things that crawl on the earth. And as a great captain may to a young soldier he seemed to you admirable. For so he is, a lord among men, the greates that now is. But when he gave you only understanding and pity, then you desired to have nothing, unless a brave death in battle. Look at me, Eowyn!"

And Eowyn looked at Faramir long and steadily; and Faramir said: "Do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart, Eowyn! But I do not offer you my pity. For you are a lady high and valiant and have yourself won renown that shall not be forgotten; and you are a lady beautfiul, I deem, beyond even the words of the Elven-tongue to tell. And I love you. Once I pitied your sorrow. but now, were you sorrowless, without fear or any lack, were you the blissful Queen of Gondor, still I would love you. Eowyn, do you not love me?"

Then the heart of Eowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. And suddenly her winter passed, and the sun shone on her.

"I stand in Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun," she said; "and behold the Shadow has departed! I will be a shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the songs of slying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren." And again she looked at Faramir. "No longer do I desire to be queen," she said.

Then Faramir laughed merrily. "That is well," he said; "for I am not a king. Yet I will wed with the White Lady of Rohan, if it be her will. And if she will, then let us cross the River and in happier days let us dwell in fair Ithilien and there make a garden. All things will grow with joy there, if the White Lady comes."

"Then must I leave my own people, man of Gondor?" she said. "And would you have your proud fold say of you: ' There goes a lord who tamed a wild shieldmaiden of the North! Was there no woman of the race of Numenor to choose?'"

"I would," said Faramir. And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the wall in the sight of many. And many indeed saw them and the light that shone about them as they came down fromm the walls and went hand in hand to the Houses of Healing.

And to the Warden of the Houses Faramir said: "Here is the Lady Eowyn of Rohan, and now she is healed."

- From The Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien -

Thursday, January 5

to answer some of your questions my dear, darling honeycakes...


Mary Magdelane was Jesus' wife. Yes my sugarpies, i am not joshing, joking, snogging, being rediculous or fibbing. You see, it is all very simple, Mary was Jesus' favorite disciple (duh! she was his wife!) and certain other disciples were jealous of her. especially since it was a man't world and a man's religion and God was created in man's image. So Jesus had a wife, they had a kid (kids?) and Jesus wanted Mary to continue his work after he died. Unfortunately this did not go over well with the other disciples so they told the world that Mary Magdelane was a sinner, a whore, the worst of the worst and that Jesus had taken her in and taught her the right way to live.

And how would it look if Jesus, the son of God had sex??? how ungodly is THAT? what would the world think if the supposed son of God had had sex and had kids??? no, it could not happen, the evidence had to be erased. unfortunately the bloodline of Jesus still survives today.

the Holy Grail = Mary Magdelane = the chalice which holdeth the blood of Jesus

Any questions?

and if you would care to condemn me to Hell... save your breath because there is no Hell.

with the utmost love,

- Rochwen -

Sunday, January 1

Evil Sword
Cast by Fear
Golden chords
All shall Hear
Bloody hoards
Burn and Sear
Whitest bird's
Song is Clear
Faithless words
Come quite Near
Blessed fords
All hold Dear

Friday, December 30

Mary Magdalene
by Patty Larkin

My name is Mary,
Mary Magdalene
I let the devil carry me
To the dark side of a sin

I heard his laughter
And I tried to run
Now there is no ever after
After everything I've done

I'm all broke upI
'm all broke down
Got turned around somehow
Who is my savior now?

I took off running
Just to feel the wind
I shook off my innocence
Now I want it back again

I heard the siren
Coming from the past
Ninety miles from nowhere
I was going nowhere fast

I'm all broke up
I'm all broke down
Got turned around somehow
Who is my savior now?

My name is Mary
Mary Magdalene
I let the devil carry me
To the dark side of a sin

I told the silence
I wanted to go back
But standing in the midnight shade
A shadow fades to black

I'm all broke up
I'm all broke down
Got turned around somehow
Who is my savior now?

ah, my dear Mary. Are you sure it was the devil? or that it really was a sin? what have they done to your sacred memory? what has jealousy and lust for power done to you? Who can tell the truth?

Thursday, December 29

My lates obsession....

The Holy Grail; the Chalice which holdeth the blood of Jesus.

Perhaps I shall explain

another day.